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Cheers - AE

Monday 1 June 2009

Things I still don't get about Australia - No. 2

Shotgunning Tims Tams, or the Tim Tam Slam.

I mean, why for heaven's sake? And yes, I have tried it and I'm still none the wiser. It's okay, but some people use the word orgasmic about it. All I can say is that if your orgasms are only as good as a Tim Tam Slam you should probably see a specialist. Tea, nice. Tim Tams, really nice. But I like ice cream and bacon and eggs too, and no one would mix those up together would they?

Would they?

Oh fuck, I must be one of the last sane ones left.

1 comment:

JuliaM said...

"It's okay, but some people use the word orgasmic about it. "

If it's the people in that clip, can see why. Can't you?

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