
Due to the move of the blog to Wordpress posts from Jan 2012 onward will have commenting disabled (when I remember to do it)
Cheers - AE

Saturday 3 October 2009

Too fucking depressing.

I've blogged about no booze zones before here and here, so reading the Devil on the subject just leaves me too fucking depressed at the level of control the fucking nanny state exercises over all our lives to add much. It's not as if I even drink much myself, but why the fuck is it assume that I and almost everyone else will get out of control if we do? Is it possibly because the fucksticks have already been successful in infantilising some to the point that they expect the fucking state to toilet train their offspring, and they won't be content until we're almost all like that? I hate the bastards that inflict this shit on a whole population of reasoning adults, I really really do.

UPDATE: More of the same at Old Holborn. I fucking despair.


JuliaM said...

"UPDATE: More of the same at Old Holborn. I fucking despair. "

Sorry, AE. More coming from me too tomorrow.

On this ghastly plan.

Is it just me, or is there a perfect confluence of hideous, illiberal ideas and opportunities about in the last month?

I can hardly keep up with them!

Angry Exile said...

Perfect effluence, more like.

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