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Friday 23 October 2009

Prudishness on a whole new level.

When you can't even have the wedding veg out in the privacy of your own home you know there's a problem.
An American man who made coffee in his own home while nude is facing charges of indecent exposure.
Eric Williamson, from Springfield, Virginia, was brewing coffee in his kitchen when a woman and a seven-year-old boy walked past the window and saw him.
The woman complained to police who arrested Williamson shortly after the incident on Monday morning.
What the fuck? The guy wasn't standing out on the lawn waving his knob at passersby, he was in his fucking kitchen. Why didn't the police tell her that if she wanted to avoid seeing any unfamiliar penises she shouldn't look into people's houses?


Dick Puddlecote said...

This isn't a first. Strangely enough, there is a case in England from a few years ago where someone was prosecuted for the same thing where a neighbour peered through a gap in his curtains.

Having said that, it is from memory and I can't be bothered to look for the link, so ...

Rob Farrington said...

Bloody ridiculous. Unless he was standing at the window with the curtains fully open,with a stiffy and a 'Get a load of this!' expression on his face, then there's no case to answer.

Not only should the case be thrown out, but the silly bint should be prosecuted for wasting police time.

Maybe she's also going to sue for the mental trauma of actually having seen a willy. We can't be sure she'd ever seen one before, after all - even if the kid was her son, she might have kept her eyes closed throughout the dreadful deed of conception.

Angry Exile said...

Considering that she could have walked past Ron Jeremy's place I think she should be relieved.

JuliaM said...

"Why didn't the police tell her that if she wanted to avoid seeing any unfamiliar penises she shouldn't look into people's houses? "

...or watch 'Question Time'.

c'mon! Someone had to do it! :)

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