Being a democracy does not necessarily mean having some libertarian fascists in power all the time."Libertarian fascists"? "Libertarian-conservative"? Is this cognitive dissonance or just being a bellend who uses "libertarian" as a term of abuse without understanding what it means?
the people of Venezula chose their leader. And good luck to them, Chavez has inherited a typical, libertarian-conservative basket case
Steven Dobbs
Wednesday, 23 February 2011
From comments here.
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Comments by IntenseDebate
Angry Exile
Contemptible Tools|
jimfryar 34p · 735 weeks ago
Angry_Exile 90p · 735 weeks ago
billsticker 51p · 735 weeks ago
Angry_Exile 90p · 735 weeks ago
Tom · 735 weeks ago
A Facebook "finker" wot has clicked over to the Telegraph - possibly as part of the undoubtedly organised trolling happening over there at the moment.
I note that the PITA barking fruitloop lefties of SWP are organising on line "campaigns"....
Angry_Exile 90p · 735 weeks ago
Tom · 735 weeks ago
Angry_Exile 90p · 735 weeks ago
billsticker 51p · 735 weeks ago
The thought occurs that if 'Climate Science' was any good they wouldn't have to indulge in these tactics. They're certainly well funded. Mostly by the EU.
Angry_Exile 90p · 735 weeks ago
I wonder how many other people they gradually lose that way. I also wonder if steadily losing such people removes any moderating influence on the dogmatists who remain.
Katabasis · 735 weeks ago
Yep Dobbs seems to be ominpresent on UK broadsheet comment webpages, sprouting exactly that kind of rubbish.
Also what makes my blood completely boil is Monbiot continually claiming that the floods of "trolls" invading his threads are organised, paid resistance from the fossil fuel lobby and/or bots. His cluelessness is second only to his hypocrisy - as Bill Sticker mentions above, CACC have a dog-whistle mailing list for rapid rebuttal teams to attack sceptic sites. Monbiot is the honorary president of this organisation.
My recent post Gaddafi Duck
Angry_Exile 90p · 735 weeks ago
will · 735 weeks ago
the fact that it is entirely possible to have a small c conservative socialist (im imagining a homophobic miner) is lost on him. the fact that fascism is and always will be a phenomenon of the Left and that it may well be impossible for an individualist ideology such as libertarianism to ever be reconciled with a rigidly collectivist ideology like fascism are equally wasted on dobbs. fascism goes beyond collectivism to outright anti-individualism. i got this book for chrimbo and it explains alot about the lefty lot.
he's probably not even open to the suggestion that libertarianism has alot more to offer 'the poor' and 'diverse' than leftism ever has.
absolutely mad
i think i remember him spouting drivel on the one and only msm blog i checked - dan hannan. there were some pretty sharp commenters there who ususally ran dobbs in circles and had him defending stalin!
Angry_Exile 90p · 735 weeks ago