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Wednesday, 23 February 2011


From comments here.
Being a democracy does not necessarily mean having some libertarian fascists in power all the time.

the people of Venezula chose their leader. And good luck to them, Chavez has inherited a typical, libertarian-conservative basket case
Steven Dobbs
"Libertarian fascists"? "Libertarian-conservative"? Is this cognitive dissonance or just being a bellend who uses "libertarian" as a term of abuse without understanding what it means?

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Angry, you are missing the point that 'libertarian' is the new really in, leftie swear word. It roughly equates to the old, 'fu**en.'
1 reply · active 735 weeks ago
Ah. So the latter then, like kids calling each other names without knowing what the words mean. What a prick.
Dobbsy is a complete syphilis ridden bell end as far as intellect is concerned. Quite frankly he's not worth engaging with.
1 reply · active 735 weeks ago
The thought had crossed my mind but then I read some more of his dribbling and decided not to bother.
Jim Fryer got there before me....

A Facebook "finker" wot has clicked over to the Telegraph - possibly as part of the undoubtedly organised trolling happening over there at the moment.

I note that the PITA barking fruitloop lefties of SWP are organising on line "campaigns"....
3 replies · active 735 weeks ago
Don't know why they feel the need to troll with some of the people hired there the last few years.
Hmm know what you mean, although any Louis Grey generally has negative comments that make me laugh out loud, and that isn't easy :-)
Heh. And it was Louise and her buddy in greenery Geoff Lean that I was thinking of.
Apparently organisations like CACC and Climate Brief have lists they publish for their pet trolls to visit hate upon the filthy heretical 'deniers'. Apparently, sceptics need to be mobbed and shouted down for even saying "Er, hang on a minute. It doesn't work that way."

The thought occurs that if 'Climate Science' was any good they wouldn't have to indulge in these tactics. They're certainly well funded. Mostly by the EU.
1 reply · active 735 weeks ago
The comment trolls are just the latest move, and one which I wasn't really aware of. They've been playing the same kind of game for a good 15-20 or more years now. As you say, if their argument was any good they wouldn't need to do it, and the fact that they were doing it was what made me question the whole CAGW show to begin with. At one time I assumed they knew what they were talking about but I wondered why the need for the unofficial dirty tricks departments I began to pick. And having started picking I kept finding things they weren't being open about - why were they so quiet about the LIA and MWP, why was (and is) evidence that both were global phenomena ignored, why is the role of the sun assumed to be marginal when cycles track better with temperature than CO2 and it's an a priori conclusion that without its influence we don't have any climate at all, why the big push for ineffective stuff like Kyoto and no call for adaptation, and so on. I picked my way clean out of the warmist church and have been sceptical about everything, eco-related or otherwise, ever since.

I wonder how many other people they gradually lose that way. I also wonder if steadily losing such people removes any moderating influence on the dogmatists who remain.
Grrr - drives me up the wall.

Yep Dobbs seems to be ominpresent on UK broadsheet comment webpages, sprouting exactly that kind of rubbish.

Also what makes my blood completely boil is Monbiot continually claiming that the floods of "trolls" invading his threads are organised, paid resistance from the fossil fuel lobby and/or bots. His cluelessness is second only to his hypocrisy - as Bill Sticker mentions above, CACC have a dog-whistle mailing list for rapid rebuttal teams to attack sceptic sites. Monbiot is the honorary president of this organisation.
My recent post Gaddafi Duck
1 reply · active 735 weeks ago
Typical. Anyone leaving contrarian comments for the Moonbat is a Big Oil troll, but nobody who leaves a foam flecked and internally inconsistent rant bagging sceptics is ever doing it for Big Eco, eh? It's the green tinted spectacles wot does it. And the green tinted brain.
wow. literally throwing around words of without any awareness of meaning. it goes without saying he's stuck in the childish tribal red team blue team paradigm where he takes conservative, fascist, and libertarian to be more than even inaccurate synonyms but exact substitutes for corporatist authoritarian.
the fact that it is entirely possible to have a small c conservative socialist (im imagining a homophobic miner) is lost on him. the fact that fascism is and always will be a phenomenon of the Left and that it may well be impossible for an individualist ideology such as libertarianism to ever be reconciled with a rigidly collectivist ideology like fascism are equally wasted on dobbs. fascism goes beyond collectivism to outright anti-individualism. i got this book for chrimbo and it explains alot about the lefty lot.
he's probably not even open to the suggestion that libertarianism has alot more to offer 'the poor' and 'diverse' than leftism ever has.
absolutely mad
i think i remember him spouting drivel on the one and only msm blog i checked - dan hannan. there were some pretty sharp commenters there who ususally ran dobbs in circles and had him defending stalin!
1 reply · active 735 weeks ago
Apologies, will. This fell into the moderation queue for some reason and I can't see why. Anyhow, yeah, that sounds like it to me. I suspect a rather binary worldview which says that if we're not with him then we're one of Them, and when we say that in fact we're something else and explain what we are and what it means his response is simply to add what we are to the set of all things which are Them.

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