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Saturday, 26 February 2011

Some people really are weapons grade cunts

Despite liberally sprinkling my posts with Anglo-Saxon on many occasions I try not to put swearwords in post titles too often if I can help it. However, it's hard to avoid it when I read something like this.

Click pic for link - also at The Telegraph

The needle on my personal misanthropy meter went so sharply to the right of the dial that it broke the stop off, smashed through the side of the case and is now stuck a half inch deep in the wall. What kind of colossal Ă¼bercunt does that? What kind of fucking parasite sinks that low? Actually using the word 'parasite' is a little unfair and I should probably apologise now, just in case I've offended any cases of amoebic dysentery that resent the comparison with cunts who take off their own kind in time of natural disaster. They might live in shit and spend much of their time making their victims feeling wretched and miserable, but at least parasitic amoebas don't sink to doing it to their own kind.

Of course the unspeakable fucking mutations that were responsible almost certainly didn't know they were looting the home of someone who'd died, that they were stealing the possessions of her grieving family. But they surely would have known that some people had died or at least that it was a strong possibility. The fact that there had been a fucking earthquake can't have escaped their attention, for Christ's sake. It's not a huge mental leap to imagine that when looting damaged and unattended homes you might possibly be only one remove from fucking grave robbing.

Obviously I hope that they're caught, that the New Zealand police and prosecutors nail them with a completely watertight case, and that the court chooses to impose the most severe sentences that it can to reflect the utter depths of bastardry and cuntishness that is using the damage caused by a fucking earthquake as an opportunity to steal. That's certainly what ought to happen in a civilised society, but failing that some poetic justice would be appropriate... is it wrong of me to hope that a fucking building falls on them too?

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