Thursday, 3 February 2011
Pissing in the wind.
I know I have a go at journos from time to time but I do feel sorry for them when they end up having to stand outside doing a piece to camera in the middle of a fucking cyclone. And what do we learn from this? That Cyclone Yasi was so windy that it overwhelms the ability of recording equipment to cope with the noise. That was worth them setting up the camera for, eh?
I hope everybody up there is okay, not least the poor sods who were made to go outside to film this.
PS - if you want to see how big a monster this cyclone was The Age have got some images here of the radar picture overlaid on Europe, the United States and a few other places.
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Comments by IntenseDebate
Pissing in the wind.
Angry Exile
Australia|Journalistic crap|What the fuck?|