Thursday, 3 February 2011
Inspired by The Grim Reaper I've again delved into the murky world of who's been visiting when and what search terms they used to get here. This isn't something I do often but this morning I felt curious. And so it is that I feel I should say sorry to the person who put "labels for banana plant shoot system in jamaica" into Google and ended up here. I can't imagine why Missing The Point is the fifth result returned, though it seems to have been a popular post looking at the stats, but all the same with its complete lack of anything even slightly bananary I'm pretty certain it didn't have what you wanted. Similarly to the person in Virginia who put "penultimate stop" into Bing and found the first result was a short paragraph of mine cheering the impending trials of three corrupt British MPs and calling them bastards. I can't explain that either but I hope you found what you were looking for.
Search engines, eh?
Search engines, eh?
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Comments by IntenseDebate
Angry Exile
Not proper blogging but sod it|