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Saturday, 19 February 2011

Thanks to the unique way the BBC is funded...

A fact that the BBC might prefer not to dwell on when it comes to discussion of licence fees is the fact that it's a very successful commercial international media organisation. Being a Brit abroad I'm reminded of this every time I open a TV guide and see BBC programs in the schedule - glancing at today we've got Three Men in a Boat and The Graham Norton Show on ABC1 and Who Do You Think You Are? on SBS, and off the top of my head I know that tomorrow there'll be Doctor Who on ABC1 and old Top Gear repeats on one of the digital commercial channels (which has also bought the current series as well as the format so it can do Top Gear Australia as well). Obviously they're making a few quid out of this to add to what they get from all the book and DVD sales. Oh, and the licence fee of course. And how much money they have sloshing around has been brought home to me just now when I read that they've recently found £42 million down the back of the BBC Breakfast sofa to spend on a 25% stake in the Lonely Planet.

To add to the 75% stake the corporation already owned.
THE BBC's commercial arm says it has bought the remaining 25 per cent stake in travel publisher Lonely Planet that it did not already own for STG42.1 million ($67.31 million).

BBC Worldwide said it had this week acquired the final part of the Australia-based company that produces the popular travel guides, dubbed the "backpackers' bible", after purchasing 75 per cent of the firm in 2007.
And it might well be a decent investment, but looking at the Business section of the Beeb's website there's not a peep about it. Whether that's because they think it's not newsworthy or because when they want £145 off of everyone they'd no more want to shout about this than they would if they'd given it to George Allegation to snort lines of coke off of Kate Silvertongue's backside.

The Grauniad do mention it, but rather than asking why, when they're clearly fairly a commercial operation that's at least moderately flush, their broadcast buddies the BBC are allowed to continue feeding parasite like off of Britain's poor TV owners The Graun's business reporters would rather focus on Barclays, which in 2009 made £11.6 billion profit and used perfectly legal tax minimisation strategies to reduce it's corporation tax bill to £113 million (to howls of protest in the comments, natch).

2009, The Guardian is unlikely to mention, is the year after the Guardian Media Group paid only £800K tax on profits of 300 million pounds.

Motes and beams, fellas, motes and beams. Barclays is using legal means to keep its tax bill down, just as GMG did, and has also stood on its own feet as corporations as supposed to rather than feed of the taxpayer's back as so many other banks have done to survive. And as the BBC has been doing for decades.

Hypocritical wankers.

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BBC appears on cable channels here in the US and with commercials. One network is called BBC America. They appear sporadically on other channels, also with commercials. On the US government paid propaganda TV and radio network, the PBS, BBC productions are constantly shown weekly and for that someone would have paid a licensing fee, plus there's sometimes pre and post show one minute "infomercials" paid for by sponsors. I'm surprised they require a UK government subsidy unless that's payoff to always say the government line, like our PBS does over here, eternally a single party platform for the extreme left who controls all US media, academia and politics.
1 reply · active 735 weeks ago
Pretty much, yeah. I'd assumed that BBC America was making them money too, plus sales for shows and formats. Strictly Come Dancing has been exported nearly everywhere as Dancing With The Stars or similar and must be a very good earner for them. Docos too. Every other wildlife or natural history program I see seems to have a credit for the BBC Wildlife Unit in Bristol. They're really very good at what they do and operate commercially just fine outside the UK, so it's probably past time they operated commercially inside it too. By the way, the subsidy isn't a subsidy as such but a licence for TV owners with the proceeds going to the BBC. The government doesn't actually get that involved except to sit down with the BBC every now and then and decide how much the licence is going to be for the next few years, and for all the strongarm pay-up-or-else stuff the BBC use the services of a company which exists solely to collect TV licensing revenue. Though some fight the whole licence thing in court and win it's very hard work, and of course you can get out of it simply by not having a TV. It's not like the ABC here in Australia where the government simply funds it straight out of general taxation and you end up paying whether you watch TV or not, and of course paying for a fair amount of British shows made by the BBC.
with an iron fist.
I downloaded the BBC iPlayer app for the iPad the other day. Thought I could catch up on some of the recent documentaries without monopolising the TV (when I get a break from watching stolen US TV, anyway. Bwahahaha!).

Tried it out, watched something, worked fine. Tried it out last night, and the app thinks I'm not in the UK and won't play it. Turns out this is a known problem to do with your ISP randomly allocating you an address that the iPlayer may think isn't a UK one.

The BBC official advice for this? *shrug* Talk to your ISP. Or turn your router off and on, and hope to get assigned an address that the iPlayer thinks is in the UK...
3 replies · active 735 weeks ago
For a short while I had a UK proxy server that made iPlayer work but it soon disappeared. There are probably more out there though I didn't look. Most of what I want to watch will be on here sooner or later and if something else comes along that isn't I could always download it. Since the best stuff does make it here I don't need to waste the bandwidth.
If a sci-fi series called 'Outcasts' makes its way down under, don't bother. They've spent a shedload of license money and air fares to South Africa to make a much, much more inferior version of the US series 'Earth 2'...
Doesn't ring a bell but I'll keep an eye out so I can ignore it when it arrives. :)

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