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Sunday, 23 January 2011

We're all doooooomed. Yet again.

Or so some say. However, I'm not going to rush out and blow every cent I have on every single legal and illegal high just to try them all before the whole place goes splat since one of them is the knobber responsible for Jar-Jar Binks.
Seth Rogen, a comedian and actor, said that he was left speechless by a recent conversation in which George Lucas, the producer of Star Wars and other Hollywood hits, told him of his belief that the world would end in 2012.
Rogen told the Toronto Sun: "George Lucas sits down and seriously proceeds to talk for around 25 minutes about how he thinks the world is going to end in the year 2012, like, for real. He thinks it.
"He's going on about the tectonic plates and all the time Spielberg is, like, rolling his eyes, like, 'My nerdy friend won't shut up, I'm sorry ...'
No, George. It won't, but watching the six and a half hours of furniture advertising you called the Star Wars prequels all in one go might make it feel like the world is ending.

Nor is George Lucas the only one.
Actor Ashton Kutcher is preparing for the end and has ramped up his workout routine to protect his family.
"I'm going to be ready to take myself and my family to a safe place where they don't have to worry," he told Men's Fitness. "All of my physical fitness regimen is completely tailored around the end of day," he explained. "I stay fit for no other reason than to save the people I care about."
And that extra fitness will come in handy, because when the sun rises on December 22nd it will no doubt shine down on Ashton Kutcher running around the shops doing all the Christmas shopping that he didn't see any point in doing up 'til then. Never mind, Ashton. You'll be able cheer yourself up by dropping the fitness kick, letting go and having extra Christmas pud instead.
Rapper Lil Wayne agrees with Lucas that 2012 will be the end of the world.
"The world is about to end in 2012," he told Bender magazine. "The Mayans made calendars, and they stop at 2012 ... The world is about to end as we know it."
Yes, they made calendars. So what? Ryan Air, who trump the ancient Mayans by knowing how to fly in big metal tubes even if they're not so clued up on landing the fucking things near the place you want to be, keep making calendars which stop at December 31st, but nobody - not Ryan Air and certainly not the Mayans - says that they believe this means the end of the world happens then. What they usually say is something like: "A little less clothing next year, please." And I feel this is partly because there's no logical reason it would, partly because, as Sadbutmadlad points out over at Anna Raccoon's, apocalypse theories come and go but as far as accuracy goes they've not got a great track record, having so far predicted precisely square root of fuck all, and partly because the Mayans say all this is bullshit.
... the prophecies are news to the modern Maya of Guatemala and Mexico who use a different calendar system and are scornful of what they see as a sensational Western hijacking of their culture and traditions.
They believe that the end of the Long Count cycle – if it indeed does end in Dec 2012 – is simply the closure of one particular system of calendar measurement.
"There is no concept of apocalypse in the Mayan culture," Jesus Gomez, head of the Guatemalan confederation of Mayan priests and spiritual guides, told The Daily Telegraph...
No doubt what will really happen on Dec 22nd next year is that George, Ashton, Lil Wayne and everyone else in the Make-Tom-Cruise-Look-Sane club who thinks that the ancient Mayans could predict the end of the world, even though if shown a block and tackle would have complained that it was too blunt to sacrifice anyone with, will convince themselves that the calculations are off and the end is coming later than thought. Doomsayers are known to do that sometimes. So here's my prediction. In 698 days time when the world wakes up as normal up to 35,000 books are going to start to be re-written, possibly arguing that our stupid advanced society miscalculated the records of the wise and all-knowing Mayans and that they actually meant 2020, or 2062 or maybe even later.

Mark it in your calendars, folks.

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Sick of the misinterpretation of what the Mayans meant. They seem to be saying that 2012 will see the end of manufactured lack. Can't put my hands on the paper that makes the case but when I do I'll add the link.
1 reply · active 739 weeks ago
Yeah, stick it up if you come across it.
Perhaps on the 22nd Dec 2012 we will enter a truly enlightened age where fuckwits will stop trying to scare people and steal their money.
1 reply · active 739 weeks ago
Ah, a prediction of porcine aviation if I'm not mistaken. :D
microdave's avatar

microdave · 739 weeks ago

"Actor Ashton Kutcher is preparing for the end and has ramped up his workout routine to protect his family.
"I'm going to be ready to take myself and my family to a safe place where they don't have to worry,"

Er, like where, dude??

Does he have tickets for the first manned flight to Mars?
1 reply · active 739 weeks ago
Let's have a whip round and try to buy the bellend tickets for the first manned trip to Mars.
The Last Ginslinger's avatar

The Last Ginslinger · 739 weeks ago

Well entering into the spirit of the prediction thingie my prediction is this:

December 22nd 2012 will be followed by....

December 23rd 2012!

And a lot of stupid excuses as well as sheepish expressions :)

1 reply · active 739 weeks ago
"We got the date wrong" will be heard a lot. The idiots will say 2020 or something close enough to worry people but also close enough so they turn out to be utterly wrong twice. The smart ones will predict a date when everyone alive now will be long dead, but that has the downside of us all not giving a shit.
Had to laugh when I read about Ashton Kocktcher.

Years ago when I were but a lad I became convinced that the world was on the brink of a cataclysmic wotsit and so planned accordingly. Joined up and learnt how to get heroically pissed, how to do the dance of the flaming arseholes and which end of a rifle did most damage. Learnt a particularly nasty form of self-defence and nursed broken fingers, nose and ribs, and gradually had the ego weeded out of me. Learnt how to survive on fuck-all (that at least is going to be useful in the coming years) and how to start and get about in just about any mechanised form of transport available. Now I am a grandfather, stricken in years, and I look back in rueful amusement. I had made the mistake that men will make until the end of time and that is to see events only in terms of their own lifetimes.

So, on 22nd December 2012 I will be buying a present for my granddaughter in exactly the same way as last Christmas (but probably in Poundland) and looking back on the clusterfuck that was the London Olympics...
1 reply · active 739 weeks ago
"... how to do the dance of the flaming arseholes and which end of a rifle did most damage."

Not at the same time, I hope. ;)
Most actors and film people are notoriously Left wing and thick, AE, and this old shite they're now spouting about the end of the Mayan Long Count does nothing to dispel that reputation. Bloody morons, they are! :D
1 reply · active 739 weeks ago
Music biz too. And not necessarily just lefty cockwaftery but any old made up shit that sounds vaguely esoteric. If you want a million people to believe something you just pulled out of your arse you can either spend ages trying to convince many more than a million or work hard just to convince Bono or Gwyneth Paltrow.
You can all scoff if you want, I'm planning on sacrificing a few virgins to Tezcatlipoca just in ca...

Oh. Hang on. I live in Essex. Hmmm. This could be a problem...
3 replies · active 739 weeks ago
I thought sacrificing virgins in 21st century Essex meant smashing up a few mobile phones.
Julia - Assuming you are actually female, the chances of finding any MALE virgins in Essex must be substantially less than zero....
The Last Ginslinger's avatar

The Last Ginslinger · 739 weeks ago

You may need a Hunting Dog and a Ouija Board as well as the services of Sherlock Holmes!
I do know the difference between an "Essex Girl" and a Walrus...
One is fat, ugly with big teeth and wrinkled skin.
The other is a Walrus.

I'll get my coat... TTFN :)

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