
Due to the move of the blog to Wordpress posts from Jan 2012 onward will have commenting disabled (when I remember to do it)
Cheers - AE

Saturday, 1 January 2011

Offered without comment.

Non Sequitur

Comments (7)

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Interesting point of view. It would probably be easier to see the prison doctor than my own local one...

If I suddenly go missing it may be the reason!
And no TV tax either (UK)
;> ;)
I know someone a few years older than me (not by much) with no pension and no property and still living the student life a few decades later who, semi-seriously, speaks of a serious fraud or non-violent robbery later in life. Get away with it and he's made, mess it up and he's in an open prison for retirement.

No-one takes him completely seriously, but he always says it with a straight face and it always gives us food for thought.
If he ends up in an "Open" prison, and doesn't like it, he can always set fire to it!!
Speaking of comments, I could have sworn I made a few the other day on a couple of posts, and they've now completely vanished!

Well, either that, or I dreamed it...
2 replies · active 737 weeks ago
Julia, I had a look and found two of your comments had been marked as spam for some reason, though I can't see anything about either of them that seems even slightly spammy. My fault, I'm a bit slack at checking when the robots have stuffed things up. Sorry about that but they're published now. And then I think I somehow accidentally deleted the comment about the missing comments and had to undelete it in order to reply. Duh. :$

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