I see that some of Nanny's insubordinate and disobedient councils are ignoring Uncle Eric Pickles's recent request to resume weekly waste collection, and are instead implementing plans to ration bin bag collections to around 50-100 sacks per household per year.I may have mentioned this before (oh, alright, I definitely have mentioned it) but refuse collection is a bit better here than where I used to live in the UK. We have a rubbish bin and a recycling bin like we did there but we basically chuck in absolutely anything and everything with a recycling symbol on it wit no sorting needed on our part. As long as you clean any food off it, in it goes. And unlike our old place in Blighty both bins are emptied weekly, and we don't get dragged from our beds by armed bin men in the middle of the night and taken off for re-education if we stick the bins out the previous night. Well, another big difference was made clear to me this week. One of our neighbours a few doors down put his bins out and one of them was so full the lid wasn't shut by at least 8 inches. Did the driver of the collection vehicle complain? Did he leave a fixed penalty notice on the bin? Did he empty some out so the lid shut? Did he refuse to take the refuse? As far as I can tell the answer is no to all of them, though I didn't see the collection take place. I went out and our full bin with the closed lid was still waiting to be emptied, as was the one down the road with the lid open at nearly 45˚. I came back and all the bins in the road were empty.
It seems that around 180 or our "respected" local councils are looking into this plan, already being enforced in Broxbourne.
In Broxbourne families get one bag a week for general waste, a bag a fortnight for plastic bottles, a box for recycling and a green wheelie bin every two weeks for food and green waste.
So what is it about Australian councils, all of whom are committed believers in warble gloaming and the rest of the doom laden planet death
I have two suggestions. First, the EU. And secondly I suspect the councils here may actually give a shit about the place not looking like it's inhabited only by tramps.
microdave 58p · 739 weeks ago
Angry_Exile 90p · 739 weeks ago
adelaide girl · 739 weeks ago
Angry_Exile 90p · 739 weeks ago
Dave · 739 weeks ago
The interesting thing (for me) is that each bin has a number, address and bar code as well as something like an e-tag. Perhaps like the new credit card system. My understanding is that video cameras will be fitted to the trucks to verify the correct contents of the bins. THEY will then be able to monitor exactly what rubbish you dispose of, how much it weighs and where you live. They can reduce the hydraulic pressure on the trucks so that it can only pick up a predetermined weight so they can control much you can put out.
In the interests of recycling, when the old bins were replaced with the new colour coded ones, the contractors immediately put a hole in the side of the old bins making them absolutely useless to anyone. I just can't see the logic in this activity.
We have one driver in a truck with a hydraulic arm for picking up bins and I would expect this to be the universal arrangement now. A truck, driver and 2 people picking up bins is probably obsolete now. Thats 2 people unemployed but they would thank you for health and safety reasons or perhaps its because they did take too many sickies.
It seems that all goverments quietly put the clamps on society and then start squeezing and when it starts to hurt and you start to notice it will be too late.
Angry_Exile 90p · 739 weeks ago
Yeah, the single operator truck with robo-bin-grabber-arm seems to be pretty much universal in all urban areas. Certainly makes collections easier.