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Monday, 31 January 2011

Does this surprise anyone?

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A police officer stationed at the Buffalo Niagara International Airport in the US was suspended last Thursday for taking home more than 1000 knives, nail clippers, scissors and other items confiscated from passengers during security procedures, authorities said.
Who could possibly have thought that would happen?

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Seems a bit of a side issue though, assuming they were genuinely confiscated (not taken to order) and were going for recycling there is a sense that it doesn't matter in any practical way, although what he would want with 1000 knives is a puzzle.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
I think some of this gets taken because they think why not, and to be fair destroying it is a waste. No doubt a fair bit finds its way to car boot sales and so on. It is a side issue, yes, but something that air passengers might be more inclined to kick up about than the main issue that they shouldn't be body searched like suspected terrorists and have their property needlessly taken in the first place. If it's confiscated many think it's for their own good so okay, but if it's confiscated and then nicked they'll probably object strongly.

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