Wednesday, 12 January 2011
Into the freezer.
Not for the first time Mummylonglegs has apparently stopped blogging and pulled the shutters down. Why? I'd look into it a bit more to find out exactly why but I don't have time and to be honest it's happened enough before that I can't muster a stronger reaction than a shrug. Since her shelf in the cold storage room has barely warmed up from last time she withdrew from the blogosphere and then started up again, back she goes.
Will she make another return? On past form it's quite possible. Will I put her back on the blogroll if she does? That I'm not so sure about. I've enjoyed her blog even though I haven't agreed with her all the time (I rarely agree 100% with anyone else's blog, and given enough time I'll probably disagree with something I've written) but keeping track of whether she's blogging or not and whether to keep her on the blogroll is in danger of becoming a chore. Sorry MLL, but leaving it off permanently is simply the low maintenance option. As Rick Blaine said in Casablanca, we'll always have RSS.
Will she make another return? On past form it's quite possible. Will I put her back on the blogroll if she does? That I'm not so sure about. I've enjoyed her blog even though I haven't agreed with her all the time (I rarely agree 100% with anyone else's blog, and given enough time I'll probably disagree with something I've written) but keeping track of whether she's blogging or not and whether to keep her on the blogroll is in danger of becoming a chore. Sorry MLL, but leaving it off permanently is simply the low maintenance option. As Rick Blaine said in Casablanca, we'll always have RSS.
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Comments by IntenseDebate
Into the freezer.
Angry Exile
Bloggers|Genuinely Sad|
The Cowboy Online · 741 weeks ago
The Cowboy Online · 741 weeks ago
Angry_Exile 90p · 741 weeks ago
Mummy x · 741 weeks ago
First of all, let me thank you for the support you have shown my blog over the last couple of years. Secondly, you are right to stick me in the 'freezer', it will be sometime before I return to blogging, if I ever do. Thirdly, let me apologise for buggering your blog roll around. And finally, a little explanation as to my increasingly erratic and annoying blogging behaviour.
As you know I lost my Mum in July 2009 and whilst rocked to the core at the time I figured I would get used to it. Sadly, I haven't. Whilst dealing with it at a top level I failed to address my underlying grief and anger at her sudden death. As a consequence I have found myself growing more and more angry as the months have gone by. And to my detriment, and that of others I have vented that anger in the blogosphere whilst failing to address it in the real world.
After my unwarranted (2nd) attack on Anna Raccoon and her spirited defence I went back and re-read a lot of my posts and what I discovered wasn't very nice. In short I have become a nasty, narrow minded, angry blogger that is more than happy to go pick a fight with anyone so I can vent my anger. It's shit and it makes me an arsehole. So I am taking some time out to address the underlying issues that I really need to deal with.
The blogosphere is a brilliant place to hide from what is going on in the real world, and that is what i have been doing these last 18 months. So I am off to sort my shit out. I hope to return someday, if you and all the other bloggers will have me back. The urge to blog is still strong, young one, but until I can stop being such a freaking twat it's probably best for all of us that I step away from the keyboard. If nothing else it will free up my anonymongs and trolls and allow them to seek fresh feeding grounds elsewhere.
Thanks again for your support,
Mummy x
Angry_Exile 90p · 741 weeks ago
But if you want my 2¢ - actually you're going to get my 2¢ anyway but it's up to you what to do with it - you should put that explanation on your blog, not mine. It takes stones to admit fault and you are brave to have said what you've said there, and I notice you've said it to AR too as well as what she said in response. It'd be a shame if the only people who appreciate that are those who happen across your posts here and at Chez Racoon. Put it on your blog, Mummy. People should think better of you than that you've gone off in a huff, and probably will if you say so at your own gaff.
AmbushPredator 59p · 741 weeks ago
The Cowboy Online · 741 weeks ago
And yes, a wold is an other world apparition, very similar to a wolf. Damn it.
Angry_Exile 90p · 740 weeks ago
The Cowboy Online · 741 weeks ago
So, don't be too hard on yourself, but then isn't that the nature of being a woman, to be overly self crtical.
Angry_Exile 90p · 740 weeks ago