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Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Precious moments.

One to look back on with fondness, or at least with less horror. Prompted by Captain Ranty's recent post this is a screencap of the clock a Debtbombshell taken at 5:40pm GMT. It is the last second in which the title "UK National Debt - how Britain owes over £900 billion" has any meaning because it became over £1 TRILLION immediately afterwards.

Of course after all the off book stuff is added on it's really been way over a trillion for ages, so you're not really that much worse off. Still, not good though.

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I wonder how much it really is?

Not that it matters. We can never repay it anyway.

We should default tomorrow and party like it's 1689.

1 reply · active 735 weeks ago
Oh, pick a number and double it. Or triple it. We're well into the realms of how much it would fucking weigh if you tried to gather together enough £50s to pay it off. Default indeed looks like the best option.
I like the skipper's idea.

It's all just stupid numbers now, and in the US it's even worse. We should all just give up. Tell the Chinese we aren't paying them back and challenge them to invade to get their cash. While they're thinking about whether occupying Bradford is such a good idea after all we nationalise every off license in the land and drink ourselves blind.

Tomorrow will sort itself out. Maybe. Which, oddly enough, was Gordon Brown's strategy all along.
2 replies · active 735 weeks ago
Gordon had a strategy? Fucking hell, who knew? xD
It was a simple one - "double the number of graduates, half the number of jobs".

Rather successful, as it turned out.

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