
Due to the move of the blog to Wordpress posts from Jan 2012 onward will have commenting disabled (when I remember to do it)
Cheers - AE

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

The state is mother. The state is father.

And for that it needs a small army of these bastards working for local councils up and down the country.

Generous pension and company car included
A woman who was temporarily paralysed in a fall had her baby taken into care while she lay in hospital, writes Christopher Booker.
Go read the whole thing. I am too consumed with rage to make any comment.

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I am fucking apoplectic with rage AE! These statist cunts need culling with machetes. AAAARRRGGGGH!!!
Fucking disgusting! State-sponsored child theft, pure and simple.
At times these so called 'child services' act like a pack of filthy hyenas circling a lioness and her cubs.
My recent post Who Wants What These Days
"The interim order was issued, as is routine, but the social workers were told to produce evidence for their case, and the baby was allowed to remain with the mother’s sister’s family."

And yet, when all the evidence they produce is quickly found to be worthless, this case still drags on and on and on...

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