Monday, 17 January 2011
One in, one out - UPDATED
Sadly it seems it's bye-bye to the Burning Our Money blog, source of much rage at the waste throughout government, though Wat Tyler says that he'll still be posting at the TaxPayer's Alliance now and again. On the plus side, and though I completely failed to notice it in December, the Devil has decided to ride again. Looks as if the rage didn't stay away for long.
UPDATE - oh, so's Obo. I'm really behind going through my RSS feed.
UPDATE - oh, so's Obo. I'm really behind going through my RSS feed.
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NB - due to some annoying pricks comment spamming lately all comments with three or more any links go into a moderation queue. If it's not spam I will publish all comments even tenuously related to whatever I was rambling about in the post. Otherwise please refer to the comments policy.
Comments by IntenseDebate
One in, one out - UPDATED
Angry Exile