As angry students demanded the right to help themselves to other people's money, MPs backed an amendment to the government's higher education funding proposals to just scrap the fucking thing.Or increasingly someone who has spent even more time and money getting a Master's or something, because these days nearly everyone their age has a vanilla degree in something and they're starting to feel a need to separate themselves from the crowd. You know, a bit like a degree used to do.
Professor Henry Brubaker, director of the Institute for Studies and a long time campaigner for the abolition of universities, said: "Hospitals can train doctors, law firms can train lawyers, journalists can be trained by children and sociologists can train themselves by watching television for six hours a day.
"The vast majority of 'careers' are complete bullshit anyway. Sending people to university just means you get pointless, bullshit jobs being done by someone who has spent three years and thirty grand turning themselves into an arse."
Monday, 13 December 2010
When did The Mash stop doing piss-takes and start doing policies?
I ask only because this makes more sense than some things that are being suggested.
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Comments by IntenseDebate
When did The Mash stop doing piss-takes and start doing policies?
Angry Exile
Bucko · 743 weeks ago
I particularly like the "children can train journalists".
My recent post They give you this shit and you read it out
Angry_Exile 90p · 742 weeks ago
AllSeeingEye 55p · 743 weeks ago
Angry_Exile 90p · 742 weeks ago
Darcy_Woods · 743 weeks ago
Up becomes down.
War becomes peace.
Freedom becomes slavery.
Mainstream news becomes propaganda.
And, satire becomes realistic good advice and truthful social comment.
Makes sense to me.
Angry_Exile 90p · 742 weeks ago