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In a highly embarrassing move Amyas Morse, head of the National Audit Office (NAO), found that the Commons authorities had failed to obtain receipts to justify £2.6 million in claims.14 million fucking quid? Jesus wept. Meet the new boss, same as the... oh bollocks to it, we all know the fucking song by now. £14 million between 646 of them just beggars belief. If you had a firm with 646 employees and within one financial year they submitted £14 mill worth of expenses claims that they either could not substantiate or justify or both your options would be as follows:
Another £11.3 million of expenditure had been incurred on items which the House could not prove was necessary for parliamentary purposes.
- Refuse to pay up until they found invoices and good reasons for the claims.
- Eventually go bust because they'll carry on taking the piss.
- Er... no, that's it.
The gaps in the accounts were so serious that the NAO launched a full audit of Commons' allowances, after which MPs still failed to provide £800,000 of receipts.Okay, so when put to it suddenly receipts and invoices started turning up after all, but why weren't they submitted in the first place? Surely after all the bad press they couldn't still have believed they didn't need to, so was it just laziness? Did they just decide they couldn't be arsed, or what? And of course only about two thirds of the receipts showed up, which does raise a few questions over the remainder. On top of that none of that sounds like it accounts for a penny of the £11.3 mill that could not satisfactorily be shown to be necessary for parliamentary purposes. Fuck me, no wonder the auditor didn't want to put his name on it.
And here's the kicker, the evidence that even after the expenses scandal blew up and made headlines worldwide, exposing the egregious, nest-feathering, over-compensated, nest feathering pricks that so many of them are, even after it forced some shamed faces and some pretence at being shame-faced for the TV cameras, even after (or maybe because) a large number agreed to stand down at the election the fucking troughing still continued!
MPs submitted the claims during the 2009 / 2010 financial year, mostly after The Daily Telegraph’s exposure of widespread abuses of the expenses system.You cunts! When will you learn? When will the message sink in?
Insiders suggested that many MPs from the “rotten Parliament” who stood down at the general election in May went on a “last hurrah” with their expenses, submitting unjustified claims which were not picked up on by the Commons fees office.
It's not your fucking money!
vivid · 742 weeks ago
Angry_Exile 90p · 742 weeks ago
Seriously, a spike makes things very easy. When I first started a job that meant making out of pocket purchases to be reclaimed later I used to keep them all in my wallet and do 'em on a Friday, but that would have been a pain if the claims were done monthly like they were in the job I had after that. When I became self employed and had to keep receipts long term in case the tax men wanted to check I ended up using one spike for about six months of receipts before jamming a cork on the end and finishing off the year with a second spike. Had I ever been audited I could have just handed over two spikes containing a whole year of expenditure. Not rocket science, so how come it's beyond so many MPs?