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Government will be less 'intrusive' in people's lives and not tell them what to do, minsters said as they published the new public health white paper, Healthy Lives, Healthy People.Okay so far apart from the bit about schools encouraging healthier living. Schools are there to fucking educate, and some people might feel they'd do so more effectively if they restricted their focus on health matters to not letting the kids eat anything from the chemistry lab's jars and sticking plasters on grazed knees.* Other than that not bad, but I have a feeling that it can't last. Oh, and sure enough (my bold)...
Andrew Lansley, the Health Secretary, said Jamie Oliver's approach in schools had been a good example of encouraging healthier living but then had been taken too far with dictates laid down about what could and could not be in lunch boxes.
He said: "I think what Jamie Oliver did was brilliant but telling people what should be in lunch boxes all the time was a mistake. We want people to have changed their behaviour not just be told what their diet should be."In other words what Jamie Oliver did wrong wasn't that he came across as a hectoring, nosey, self-important, nannying know-all but that he was ultimately unsuccessful in making the proles do what they're told.
Tactics will be switched from nannying and legislation to nudges and persuasion. This will include vouchers for healthy living, walk-to-school incentives.Which is fucking nannying and will fucking require legislation, making the qualitative difference between Labour and Cobbleition as near to zero as makes no fucking difference.
“People’s health and wellbeing will be at the heart of everything local councils do..."Oh, Christ. As if the government and councils weren't already overly concerned with the minutiae of citizens' lives, now we can look forward to even more. Some day a council will eventually employ gauleiter type solely to make sure everybody has had a shit today, probably known as a Constipation Avoidance Officer or Regularity Regulator.
Or a Bottom Inspector. |
In addition there will be five Public Health Responsibility Deal networks, involving charities and industry on food, alcohol, physical activity, health at work and behaviour change, to formulate ideas.Translation: five more fucking quangos associated with a bunch of fake charities and corporatist fuckbaskets lobbying government to nag the poor cunts paying for all of this to stop living how they want to and start living how they're told to. Fuck me dead, they're already well under way with elf'n'safety at work as well as the food and drink - and clearly Andrew fucking Lansley has no intention of putting a stop to it - and now they're going to start on physical activity and behaviour change. The first smacks of good old Kraft durch Freude, which is nasty enough, but the Orwellian sounding "behaviour change"? Am I the only one who finds that term just a bit fucking disturbing?
And this is all supposed to be a reduction, nay, an end to Nanny Statism? Do me a fucking lemon, will you. Look at what else we have coming out of the Health Sockpuppet's department lately:
- Minimum prices on alcohol.
- Increased tax on stronger beers.
- Confectionary companies should fund anti-obesity campaigns.
- Cigarettes and tobacco in plain packaging.
- Smart cards for kids and readers on lampposts to prove they're walking to school. (H/T Raedwald for that one).
Winston sank his arms to his sides and slowly refilled his lungs with air. His mind slid away into the labyrinthine world of doublethink. To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them...Doublethink and other IngSoc-like habits were often characteristic of NuLabour ("Peace is War" and "Knowledge is Ignorance" both seem pretty apt examples of doublethink for the Blair and Brown years), and to find the new Health Sockpuppet at it as well just shows once again how similar the main parties have become. The policies themselves are not altogether a surprise because the Tories were always a bunch of paternalistic bastards who assumed they knew what was best for everyone, though no less unwelcome for all that, but Lansley's claim that this is somehow an end to the Nanny State is really pissing into the wound.
* Not that they're allowed to stick plasters on knees or teach chemistry anymore in case pupils might turn out to be allergic to plasters or have a fit from trying to remember Avogadro's number.
Bucko · 744 weeks ago
I still fail to see what the fuck my health and wellbeing has to do with the council or anyone other than me.
Why do they beleive they need to get involved in our lives to such an extent? I don't even remember the point where they crossed the line from emptying bins to blatant nannying and bullying, it happened so stealthily.
They need to fuck the fucketty fucking fuck off. Or I do. Somewhere.
My recent post Counterfeit salt hits the streets of Padiham
Angry_Exile 90p · 744 weeks ago
Dick Puddlecote · 744 weeks ago
Yeah, that'll be me.
Reading some of the white paper today, the EU watermark runs all the way through it. This proves more than anything ever before that the Tories are deeply committed to a European SocDem state.
Angry_Exile 90p · 744 weeks ago
"This proves more than anything ever before that the Tories are deeply committed to a European SocDem state."
I've not looked at it but it really doesn't surprise me. Cameramong is doing the same kind of doublethink on Europe what with the referendum pledge being ditched even before the bloody election and the increased powers and funds tamely handed over to the EU since he took over. Even while Gordon was still bouncing Nokias off the walls of Number Ten we all knew that a Tory government would in many ways be very nearly as awful, and although there was some hope that as a Cobbleition the new government might be a little different it's pretty fucking clear by now that it isn't much. Cunts, the lot of 'em.
Oh, in case you're wondering my natural background level of bitterness is slightly elevated at the moment, due to my current pessimism that the new Liberal state government here in Vic is going to be much better.
TheBigYin · 744 weeks ago
All government heads around the world are kissing the economist Richard Thaler's arse. It was he that wrote a book about the subject.
Change of government...what change of government?
My recent post Nudge Nudge…
Angry_Exile 90p · 744 weeks ago
@GroompyTom · 744 weeks ago
I'm sure you've got similar where you are and it's the same over West Oz way too, Exile. http://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/a/-/newshome/840...
Angry_Exile 90p · 744 weeks ago
Viv · 744 weeks ago
Ando · 715 weeks ago
The Outback Township of Speed: Population 45, NO Traffic, but making a lot of noise. And some Do-gooder Dilettante’s are trying to convince the rest of the world that those 45 people in the Never- Never are in tune with the rest of Australia. GET REAL!!
The communist eastern Europe is "kaputt",.......lets create another one, right here, right in Australia,......Ozzy Ozzy OI OI OI
“It is the absolute right of the State to supervise the formation of public opinion”.
Quote; Joseph Goebbels
> And so is the Safety Nazi movement supported by the national police force, which is admitting to be, not citizens of this country in charge of policing, but they are better then the average citizen and calling them self “Paramilitary Organization” in charge of order in this country. Their job is policing and not the implementation of radical ideas.
“By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a people see even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise”.
Quote; Adolf Hitler
> Skillful and sustained use of propaganda = Distortion and blowing minor issues completely out of proportion. If I tell you long enough that speed kills and you are damned to hell if you are not listening to me, then you will ask me sooner or later to guard you with a Kalashnikov 24/7. …….YES you will, Adolf is proof!
“Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play”.
Quote; Joseph Goebbels
> And so is the media. They love it because it is always a good HooHaa when they can bash somebody. The money Till is making noises like a Pokie machine hitting a jackpot. Never mind if it is right or wrong as long it is making clingadingadong.
“Education is dangerous - every educated person is a future enemy”.
Quote; Hermann Goering
> And that is why kids can’t read and write when they finish school. But make always sure that there is enough Beer, Pub and Footy.
“All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach”.
Quote; Adolf Hitler
>Speed Kills! And nothing ever will happen to you if you allow us to fit a speed camera on every corner. Well you see? WE ARE ONLY CONCERNED ABOUT YOUR SAFETY!
“As soon as by one's own propaganda even a glimpse of right on the other side is admitted, the cause for doubting one's own right is laid”.
Quote; Adolf Hitler
> Politician don’t want to fall in to that trap, so they adopt an utterly self-righteous
Living like in the former Eastern Europe, where the average citizen couldn’t sneeze or let a fart without getting, scrutinized or reminded of “who the BOSS is in the country”.