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Friday, 10 December 2010

Bonjour et bienvenue aux Jeux Olympiques 2012 de Londres.

Via Captain Ranty I see the 2012 Olympic Games - you know, the Games that Paris lost out on to London - are going to be held in French.
French is the first language of the International Olympic Committee and as such that means that it must take precedence at all Olympic ceremonies including when medals are being handed out.
The presentations will also take place in English but any statement in English "should be read after the French".
All "billboards and pageantry" must also be in French, with English relegated to a second language for the duration of the Games.
They're fucking smart, the French, aren't they? Not having to pay a red cent towards the insane cost of hosting the event and they still get their language given preference.

Now in fairness to the International Olympic C... er, what does the C stand for anyway? Probably not the first thing that sprung to my mind. Anyway, in fairness thinking back to the Beijing Games I do seem to recall that everything was said in French first and then a Chinese language, presumably Mandarin, afterwards. Doesn't make any sense since there are more Chinese speakers than speakers of anything else, and it seems to me that geographically both Spanish and English have a better claim to, ah, lingua franca status than French does these days. And if it's an Olympic tradition surely Greek should take precedence, even though there are only about 12 million people in Greece and half of them may need to eat their TVs before 2012.
The Union Jack should only be flown fifth in precedence behind the Olympic flag, the London 2012 symbol, the United Nations flag and the flag of Greece.
See? The Greek flag comes before the Union Jack Flag (note to the media, please look up the fucking difference), and because of the history of the Games in ancient times I don't have a huge issue with that. Certainly not compared to the UN and EU rags being even high up the pecking order.

Anyhow, French first is clearly what the London bid team signed everyone up for, presumably as a nod to the French Baron Pierre de Coubertin (how come he was a baron? I thought they'd executed or exiled all their aristos decades earlier). And if that's in the contract there's probably nothing thatt can be done about it, not even my suggestion of saying:
Voici votre facture de eleventy billion fucking quid, M. Johhny Frog. Parler en francais all you please, me old china, but only once you've coughed up, eh?
But that's really by the by. As Witterings From Witney points out in the comments over at Ranty's, the real question is why it took two years of battering the bastards with the Freedom of Information Act before this came out. Or why they didn't feel able to be open about it and say this in front of all the flag waving crowds five and a half years ago when there was still a chance for Britons to demand the bid be withdrawn.

I wonder... could there have been money in it, or am I just becoming a cynical old bugger?

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Jacks on ship flags on land!!
1 reply · active 746 weeks ago
You got it. Please take over the newspaper of your choice. :D
Merci pour la erm, linky amour, mon amis!

"lingua franca " that's the whole point, French has lost out to English in the competition to be top world language, English has replaced French, and Russian, as the compulsory second language in schools throughout Europe and beyond. China sends vast numbers of students overseas (because they don't have the infrastrucure, yet) mostly to the Anglosphere to learn English as part of graduating (2,000 in my small city alone). So it is only to be expected that France would cling on to the wooden spoon prize of having French as the official language of the olympics but, as fewer and fewer people speak French outside of France, it will soon become as anachronistic as spaeking Latin in court.
4 replies · active 746 weeks ago
A question for you Mr Exile.
Re student fees protests.
An academic told me yesterday that when they set up a similar scheme in Australia a while back the students similarly protested. All is quiet now though since they realise what a good deal they have got. Can you confirm this, or otherwise?
My recent post wikileaks
Not that I noticed. Any idea when or under which Prime Miniscule?
I found it ironic that, according to QI, at one point only a minority of French people could speak French.
At one stage going 10km out of Paris, the elite couldn't understand a word the locals uttered... (19th Century) My understanding is that De Gaulle accelerated the process of standard French as pre WW2 what was more or less Vichy France still spoke Occitan rather than French per se. Don't know if this reflected some vindictiveness on his part but a program to expunge the language of half the country was (and still is) carried out through the state education system.

Well worth a look if you're at all curious about how the modern French got to where they are
Ancient Greek surely...... If this is true... which I'm still struggling with - maybe Boris can whistle up some classics scholars.

This is /really/ going to run some if there's a grain of truth in it :-)
3 replies · active 746 weeks ago
I think it's very likely to be true simply because it's jogged the old memory and made me recall announcements at other Olympics being made in French regardless of which nation is hosting. As for Ancient Greek, I'd love for Boris to do a welcoming speech in it. Not that I can speak a word but I think it'd be hilarious with all the media trying to make sense of it (bit like they do when he uses English). Worth having back as Mayor just for that. In fact why not base the entire opening ceremony round the idea of Boris talking in Ancient Greek about old legends and the original Olympics. It would probably be more interesting than dancers and all that guff they put it and would certainly be a lot cheaper.
hmm.. Boris in a black gown and mortar board waving his arms around and labouring through a Greek oration - sounds great - should add to the mystique of the English...... can't wait - c'mon down Boris
Forgot to add - he should throw a blackboard rubber at somebody at some stage too.
The whole Union Flag thing pisses me right off every time you see/hear in in the MSM. Learn the fucking difference you stupid cunts.

As to the cheese eating surrender monkeys language being used at the Olympics, all I can say is meh.

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