Thursday, 2 December 2010
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Comments by IntenseDebate
For Captain Ranty.
Angry Exile
Captain Ranty · 744 weeks ago
Your comment meant much more than most. I have a huge respect for you and I welcome your thoughts on just about anything. You, my old pal, are incisive, and your views help to shape my world. (as fucked up as it is).
BTW, this is the first time I have ever heard this version. It is a wonderful song and is deep on about 97.3 different levels.
Stay well,
Angry_Exile 90p · 744 weeks ago
If that version of the song is new to you then I have a DVD recommendation. The clip is from MASH, but the early 70s movie rather than the late 70s TV show and in many respects I prefer it. The song is the best version for my money and absolutely suited for the scene since the wannabe suicide's nickname is "Painless". I won't explain why he wanted to top himself and I cut out a good seven or eight minutes which explains why he was back to his normal self when Hawkeye spoke to him the next morning, and as for the football game... Good film if you like black comedy mixed in with a little politics and philosophy.