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Sunday, 5 December 2010

Another place not to visit.

Spain. If they're prepared to force their own citizens to work at gunpoint are they going to give a rip about foreigners?

H/T to an Anonymous commenter over at Puddlecote Towers.

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Thanks for the H/T Mr Exile. I see that many of the commenters at the Telegraph are too myopic / stupid to see the bigger issue. Regardless of their earnings, the very fact that a Country so readily declares a state of alert to force people at gun point to perform against their will is a very ominous sign. One muppet even suggested they could simply resign, when it is obvious that resignation or not, with a gun pointed at your head instructions will be followed.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
You're welcome, whoever you are ;) And agreed on all points. Sure, they could all resign at the end of the day but for now they've got armed men making them work. Used to be whips, now it's guns. And at the point where the guns come out again if they do threaten to quit the job you might as well call it slavery.

I'm also wondering whether a miserable, pissed off and slightly scared air traffic controller who's got an armed man at the door who made him come in and won't let him leave when he wants will have his full and undivided attention on the fucking radar screens.
there was me thinking what a cuddly ideal peoples democracy Spain had become until I read " immediate imprisonment for sedition " for strikers? OTT in my opinion, USA has shown the way, sack the lot.
1 reply · active 744 weeks ago
Yep, and I think this is part of the problem. A free society would have no problem with the idea of individuals being at liberty to withdraw their labour and would understand that the same freedom means the other individuals, the ones who contracted the first lot to do something in return for money, would be at liberty to find someone else to do the bloody work. That employers aren't free to do that has now lead to the employees not being free either, and neither side has much reason to be happy.
Coming to a town near EU soon!
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Mrs Exile's reaction was that surely the EU would make waves and that surely it would be illegal under ECHR or something. And it might be, but my feeling is that if an inconvenient strike is crushed they won't give a flying (no pun intended) fuck.
President Reagan had the right idea, as Banned hints at, and this famous clip of him during the US air traffic controllers strike in 1981 shows just how it should be done:

I haven't got much choice about visiting Spain most weeks but I can assure you that it isn't somewhere I'd want to live. The sight of paramilitary police on the streets, still with their symbols dating back to the Franco era, remind you every day that the place is not a mature or pleasant democracy.
1 reply · active 744 weeks ago
I remember that Reagan speech, though not from seeing it at the time. I don't think I knew what an air traffic controller was in 1981. But I've seen it a few times on the web lately.

I don't know whether Spain has taken a turn for the worse but I've spent quite a few happy holidays there in various spots along the Costa del Sol (and took the opportunity to visit your neck of the woods). Not sure if I'd know a Franco era symbol if it stopped the car and shot me but I did notice that a lot of homes had bars on the windows, which friends we stayed with said was a holdover from the Franco days. Not a mature or pleasant democracy? I'm prepared to believe that, though I've become inclined to believe that no democracy is intrinsically fair anyway. But sending armed police to herd people into work definitely qualifies as far as I'm concerned.

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