The US has warned of a "specific, credible threat" ahead of the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, possibly in New York or Washington DC.That the 9/11 hijackers chose September 11th rather than February 26th, the anniversary of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, is something else that doesn't get mentioned much. In fact the only case I can think of offhand in which an anniversary figured was the Oklahoma City bombing carried out by Timothy McVeigh, who chose the second anniversary of Waco to carry out his attack. And since McVeigh wasn't responsible for Waco but as he saw it was attacking in response to Waco I'm not sure that really counts. If September 11th marked some date in which the US or the west had done something specific to piss off Alky-Aida then perhaps there'd be a reason for them to mark that down in their calendars as getting-killed-for-the-cause day, but otherwise...
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said the threat was "uncorroborated", but security would be boosted at bridges, tunnels and on public transport.
I dunno, maybe there really is a genuine cause for concern, but it seems to me that Alky-Aida could just as easily make a few noises about the tenth anniversary as a shit stir and then go back to milking the goat. Or it could just as easily be confirmation bias and we're twitching at shadows because we've half convinced ourselves that the people who attacked ten years ago attach some special significance to that date. I'll eat my words if anything does happen - and I mean more than some wide-eyed teenager with a milk bottle full of petrol damaging a police station or something - but I reckon any particular day is no less likely than any other. And no more likely either.
FrankC · 706 weeks ago
Angry_Exile 90p · 706 weeks ago
Smoking Hot · 706 weeks ago
'Terrorists' are falling about laughing everytime they hear or watch the news about some prob, maybe, could, perhaps, possible Alkayeedah threat or other.
You watching RWC? NZ or Aus for cup m'thinks with Eng as dark horse. Sonny Bill is a joy to watch ... wonder if he'll keep it up?
My recent post BOOKINGS! ... Baccy Mini-Cruise
Angry_Exile 90p · 706 weeks ago
Nigel Sedgwick · 706 weeks ago
Best regards
Angry_Exile 90p · 706 weeks ago
Nigel Sedgwick · 706 weeks ago
Best regards
Angry_Exile 90p · 706 weeks ago