SEA ice in the Arctic is melting at a record pace this year, suggesting warming at the north pole is speeding up and a largely ice-free Arctic can be expected in summer months within 30 years.This prediction comes from the US National Snow and Ice Data Center, a body which I'm certain owes absolutely nothing to the large political and public concern, albeit dwindling in the latter case, about warble gloaming and would get exactly the same amount of government funding to the cent if nobody at all believed a word of it. If all the predictions I'm collecting come true it will be the third such ice-free arctic after the 'Gore ice-free arctic' of 2013 and the 'Hadrow ice-free arctic' of 2019. I haven't quite worked out how this latest ice-free arctic is four decades earlier than expectations of the same thing happening just two years from now and six years after that - perhaps ice travels in time if there's enough carbon dioxide above it. It might explain previous ice ages if much of our present day ice has travelled into the past, though I feel that we urgently need to find out if it's being replaced by water from then travelling forward. Just a matter of funding, further research is always needed.
Global warming has been melting Arctic sea ice for the past 30 years at a rate of about 3 per cent a decade on average. But the two new data sets suggest that, if these trends continue, a largely ice-free Arctic in summer months is likely within 30 years.
That is up to 40 years earlier than was anticipated in the last Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change assessment report.
Anyway, whatever the cause of time travelling ice the list of warble gloaming dates for our diaries can be updated to read:
- Probably should have happened by now, or failing that should be possible to observe a very large change in that direction - New York's West Side Highway impassable due to being underwater - Dr. James Hansen (1988/89 interview)
- Probably should have happened around 2005 ± 1 yr - British children will not know snow in their own country - Dr David Viner (Independent, Mar 2000)
- "Imminently" - loss of world's coral reefs - David Attenborough in July 2009 ('world’s tropical reefs face ‘imminent destruction’ unless CO2 levels are slashed')
- By 2010 - 50 million refugees climate refugees (UN Environment Program - currently no link for UNEP site but Watts Up With That has details and evidence of claim)
- Late 2013 - ice free Arctic - Al Gore (North Pole will be ice free in five years')
- 2014 - the whole world and everything fucked up beyond repair - WWF.
- Dec 2016 - the whole world and everything all fucked up beyond repair - the Prince of Wails and the 100 months mob
- Dec 2016 - loss of 'the levers of control' for the climate - the Prince of Fails... again.
- Late 2019 - ice free Arctic - Pen Hadow (ten years to Arctic ice loss)
- Late 2019 - the whole world and everything fucked up beyond repair - UK Met Office.
- Late 2029 - loss of Great Barrier Reef - marine scientist Charlie Veron ('global warming will destroy the World Heritage site within just 20 years')
- By approximately 2040 - ice free arctic yet again - NSIDC director Mark Serreze
@OldRightie · 715 weeks ago
Angry_Exile 90p · 715 weeks ago
Mark · 715 weeks ago
Mark · 715 weeks ago
Angry_Exile 90p · 715 weeks ago