Saturday 16 July 2011
Stony Stratford Saturday
A brief post to wish those going with Dick Puddlecote to Stony Stratford today a very enjoyable and successful day proving that smokers and non-smokers can get on together just fine, and hopefully getting the chance to raise the point in front of the media that the ban-happy, nannying control freaks are already targeting drink and food that they disapprove of and that non-smokers who think they'll never be in the firing line should think hard about how sure they are about that. But keep your own cameras on - Cllr Bartlett sounds crazy enough to empty a load of ashtrays all over the streets the minute you all go just so he can blame it on you.
Am I being paranoid?,
Personal Freedom,
Stony Stratford Saturday
Angry Exile
Am I being paranoid?|Intolerance|Personal Freedom|Responsibility|UK|