Saturday, 16 July 2011
Stony Stratford Saturday
A brief post to wish those going with Dick Puddlecote to Stony Stratford today a very enjoyable and successful day proving that smokers and non-smokers can get on together just fine, and hopefully getting the chance to raise the point in front of the media that the ban-happy, nannying control freaks are already targeting drink and food that they disapprove of and that non-smokers who think they'll never be in the firing line should think hard about how sure they are about that. But keep your own cameras on - Cllr Bartlett sounds crazy enough to empty a load of ashtrays all over the streets the minute you all go just so he can blame it on you.
Am I being paranoid?,
Personal Freedom,
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Comments by IntenseDebate
Stony Stratford Saturday
Angry Exile
Am I being paranoid?|Intolerance|Personal Freedom|Responsibility|UK|
Twenty_Rothmans · 714 weeks ago
it's tipping it down today and very tempting to take the car up. However, I don't trust myself to stick to three pints so it will be the train for me.
Pity that the Australians did not have the guts to stand up to the no smoking on beaches policy. They're sheep, and I should know - I am one!
Angry_Exile 90p · 714 weeks ago