However, if Andrew Bolt in the Herald Sun is correct then Gore has been outdone in a big way by Australia's Professor Tim Flannery.
Flannery in 2006 warned we could be on the brink of causing the seas to rise by 25m if we did not slash our emissions.Good question, though again Coba Point isn't all in the danger zone and rises to over 100m according to Google Earth. Unfortunately all of the visible houses, and presumably Tim Flannery's is one of them, are practically on the beach, and beaches tend to be rather close to sea level.
"Picture an eight-storey building by a beach, then imagine waves lapping its roof," he said dramatically.
"So anyone with a coastal view from their bedroom window or kitchen window is likely to lose their house as a result of that change."
So how terrifying it must be for Flannery as he gets his breakfast each morning to look up and see the estuarine waters of the Hawkesbury, just 5m from his waterfront home on Coba Point.
Why hasn't he sold up and moved to higher ground? Is it because even he doesn't believe his absurd scare?
Perhaps Tim's planning on pulling it uphill when the waters get too close.
Twenty_Rothmans · 712 weeks ago
Like all of these dreamers, his mission is funded by people who make things in factories, the cleaners who clean the toilets in those factories, the girls who sell pies to the men who work in those factories, and everybody else who has a real job.
I don't blame Flannery so much - I guess he wants to be rich and famous and has found his niche. I do blame the sycophants who'll believe anything without asking what the angle is, and why weather, in the course of our own generation, is suddenly supposed to have become completely stable and predictable. Mummy's here. Oh, is poor baby hungry? Here...
I suppose that academics, unlike the rest of us who break our backs for a living, live in some Utopia where everything is just wonderful. I wish I had the job of cleaning this specimen's hotel room when he was off to some conference for which I was paying.
ALWAYS rinse your toothbrush first in hotel rooms :-)
Angry_Exile 90p · 712 weeks ago