WE might not have our own space program yet, but we sure as hell have our priorities right.Whahey! I fuckin' love you, mate, your my besht mate. Give ush a kish, ya shoppy bardshtud.
Two Australian companies have developed the very first space beer.
With the space tourism industry preparing for take off as early as next year — Saber Astronautics Australia teamed up with the Four Pines Brewing Company to develop the very first beer that can be consumed safely in space.
Human biology changes in zero gravity conditions. The tongue swells, the senses dull — altering the way food and drink tastes.
"This is a well known problem in the astronaut corps, in the space industry," Dr Held told news.com.au.
"The longer people spend in space the more reduced flavours they detect."
Saber’s first goal was to develop a recipe that people could enjoy comfortably.
"We also wanted to make the beer good to drink on earth as well. So the idea is you can drink this beer anywhere in the universe," said Dr Held.
Saber picked a high-flavoured beer as a baseline recipe to ensure that space travellers could enjoy the full flavour of the smoky Irish style stout, no matter how long the flight duration.
"The gases and the liquids don’t like to separate in zero gravity," said Dr Held.
"So we’ve reduced the carbonation a bit and given a really strong flavour to the beer.
"It’s actually one of the reasons I approached the Four Pines brewery in the first place, because their recipes, from the get go, are very tasty."
The first swig is like a bit of a slap of cold air to the face – space beer really is smoky. But the flavour does grow on you, and has a wonderful aftertaste, kind of like a coffee in the morning.
More tests will need to be done to ensure humans can consume beer safely as they sail across the Milky Way.
"The blood alcohol content I think has broader implications for space tourism," said Dr Held.
"Because you can have a lot of people going into space, surely some people are going to drink even if you tell them not to.
“We know that in aviation, an Australian footy player whose name I will not mention drank too much at high altitude, just on a regular flight — and when you’re drinking at high altitude your body doesn’t absorb it as quickly.
"So when he got on the ground after drinking a whole bunch of drinks, it hit him all at once and he got sick."
And then comes the nanny.
"That’s the kind of effect we want to measure and avoid."And since Australia is also becoming strangely anti-grog with talk of lowering the drink driving limit from .05 to .02 and widespread support for extending a no drinking zone in Adelaide (despite the fact it's not working) I can't help wondering if it's a good job Australia doesn't have a space program. I have a nasty idea what it might end up looking like.
Would you mind opening your window, please sir.
km/h just now?
capsule for 48 hours. Hoon spaceflight legislation.
anyone who can come up here and get you?
couple of bottles of space beer floating about in there.
Have you had anything to drink?
into this tube.
nisakiman 54p · 728 weeks ago
Can you imagine the pleasures of being in the same cabin as a post-piss up projectile vomiter?
Still, on the up side, I guess you wouldn't have to worry about falling in the bog while you were barfing...
Good on the Aussies though. It's nice to see a country doing some research that will benefit mankind.
Angry_Exile 90p · 727 weeks ago
Meanwhile the Yanks are looking into shagging in space. In a way it all renews my faith in humanity.