The union behind the university tuition fees protest, which descended into violence, has received £80,000 from a Government “crime and policing group” in recent months.Jesus Christ in a row-boat, that's money well spent. Do I have to say it again? Do I? Oh, screw it, I'm going to.
The National Union of Students received the grant from the Home Office as part of a project to help undergraduates “avoid being victims of crime” and to “minimise anti-social behaviour”.
It came just before last week’s march through central London against the planned rise in university tuition fees, which was “hijacked” by anarchists who smashed up the Tory party HQ in Millbank and injured police officers.
It's not your fucking money!!
AllSeeingEye 55p · 748 weeks ago
And they say that this "cutting" thing is harsh, cruel and inevitably means grannies being burned for fuel....
acuityindoor03 9p · 748 weeks ago
acuityindoor03 9p · 748 weeks ago
acuityindoor03 9p · 748 weeks ago
acuityindoor03 9p · 748 weeks ago
acuityindoor03 9p · 748 weeks ago
acuityindoor03 9p · 748 weeks ago