I’m pleased to announce that we’re in the final stages of completing a sale of Xmarks to a new owner who is 100% committed to keep our great browser sync service running smoothly.And I call that a result, making me a Happy Exile for this evening at least. Anger and ranting will be back on the agenda when I've got some more bloody time.
The Xmarks service will evolve to have both a free component and a premium component – we’ll share all the details once the deal is done. For all of you that signed our pledge, or are asking us to reopen the pledge, please hold that thought. When we update the service we’ll have a premium option for you to spend some of your hard earned money on, and we will be very thankful when you do!
I can’t provide more details just yet, but I wanted to publish this update to let you all know that we’re alive and kicking and things are on track for a “new and improved” Xmarks.
Wednesday, 10 November 2010
Appeal update.
Last month I did something a little bit unusual and made an appeal here for a clever little synching plug in called Xmarks. As I said, I'd been using it for a while mainly because it did something that was, as far as I know, unique among synching apps- it offered cross browser support. What it didn't do was work as a business and it looked like it was going to go the way of the dodo unless people were prepared to fork out a few quid for it, and to help in whatever small way I could I blogged on it and suggested that anyone interested in using it should go and have a look at the site and the Xmarks blog and, if they thought it worth US$10-20 a year, to think about pledging support (of the folding kind). I have no illusions that my little corner of the web with its modest number of readers would have had any noticable impact but if any of you did pledge then you'll be pleased to know, if you don't already, that it seems that enough other people did likewise to save Xmarks.
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NB - due to some annoying pricks comment spamming lately all comments with three or more any links go into a moderation queue. If it's not spam I will publish all comments even tenuously related to whatever I was rambling about in the post. Otherwise please refer to the comments policy.
Comments by IntenseDebate
Appeal update.
Angry Exile
Not proper blogging but sod it|