As a striker myself, I have to admit that when I heard Clarkson had said that we strikers should be lined up against a wall and shot, I simply smiled and got on with my life. I didn’t collapse in tears, I didn’t consult my lawyers, I did not ring up Sky to comment, I just smiled.Yes, absolutely, and that's the reaction of a sensible adult who can tell the difference between hyperbolae and something that's meant seriously, a reaction which is becoming all too bloody rare in these oversensitive, angstrom thin skinned times. So I withdraw any suggestion that Gerry should be taken out and shot, not because I've changed my mind about what he does for a living but because I hope that he spreads that attitude as far and wide as possible. I'd go so far as to suggest that there might be enough money even in a much reduced and drawn down state apparatus to hire someone like him in the role of Encouraging Everyone To Just Harden The Fuck Up A Bit Manager.
Gerry's post 'Shooting the Complainers!' can be seen in all its uncensored glory at The Censored Blog, and I recommend nipping along and having a read of the whole thing.
Macheath · 693 weeks ago
(I've been wondering, incidentally, about the relative timings; did you hear the Radio 4 interview, or was it a spectacular case of life imitating your cynical art? (post: Hell hath no fury...)
My recent post Exam cheating - everyone's a loser
Angry_Exile 90p · 693 weeks ago
And no, I haven't listened to R4 for many years, and certainly not since moving Down Under, so whatever it was must have been life imitating deeply ingrained cynicism and increasing bitterness. :D But I'm intrigued to hear it now. What show, date and time was it? With luck I might be able to find it online.
Macheath · 693 weeks ago
My recent post Exam cheating - everyone's a loser