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Friday, 30 December 2011

Image of Jesus seen in picture of Jesus

Well, it's about the last place the faithful no, gullible and/or desperate for their 15 minutes have actually looked for an image of their lord and saviour, various of them having claimed to have seen him in clouds, random bits of wood, chocolate bars and even ruined cookware.*
Toby Elles, 22, made the discovery after burning the food when he fell asleep while cooking.
After lifting off the scorched bacon Mr Elles, from Salford, Lancs, could not believe his eyes when the Christlike image stared back at him.
The face is complete with eyes, nose, a beard and is framed by long flowing hair.
Well, let's have a look then.

Okay, I'll grant you that it looks kind of like a bearded man, but does that mean it's Jesus and not some randomised scraps of carbonised bacon fat? Not only does it seem unlikely that Jesus, who was Jewish if I recall, would choose to re-appear in bacon fat [and personally] I think it looks like John Lennon without his glasses.
However, let's for a moment assume that this is a benchmark for what the Son of Man looks like, and of course ignore the fact that what Yeshua of Nazareth actually looked like probably wasn't the medieval bearded guy from church windows or the BeeGee lookalike from more contemporary Christian art but a regular 1st century Palestinian male. So, if that's an image of Jesus who's this guy in the sock?
Sarah Crane, 38, said she was stunned when she saw a bearded man staring back at her from the laundry line.
Her boyfriend agreed the crumpled grey "holy sock" bore an uncanny likeness to the traditional image of Christ, and the couple took photographs to show their friends.
Oh, for fuck's sake. I'm going to regret this, but let's have a look anyway.

Really? Look, firstly that doesn't even look like a bearded man. I can see a face-like pattern, though that's perfectly natural and happens to people all the time, but to begin with I thought it look more like a robot than a human face before finally deciding that actually it reminded me a bit of Eddie from Iron Maiden album cover art.

Of course we're talking about the classic 1980s Eddie

And secondly, even if it did look like a bearded man it doesn't look like the bearded man in the frying pan who, it's suggested, is not John Lennon but our Redeemer, though unfortunately neither of them look a lot like I'd expect an ancient Palestinian to look and nor do they look like Jesus of Marmite Jar or Jesus of Cheap Interior Door.** And of course there's a reason for that: not everyone with a bloody beard is Jesus. I mean look up there at Eddie... see it? Beard. And Eddie the Head isn't even slightly saintly, much less Christ like. I shouldn't need to spell this out but beard ≠ Jesus.

Plus, and I realise this is obvious to both my readers, these things are not Jesus but are the leftovers of a couple of ruined slices of cured pig meat, a cheap sock, a few cents of plastic with some random blobs of yeast extract, and a fucking door. In fact the only three things that links these and any other example of the Jesus-appears-in-random-everyday-object phenomenon is their different looking Jesuses, their essential non-Jesusness that follows from the inability to agree on what Jesus looked like, and their being obsessed over by nutters. And by nutters I don't mean religious believers, though no doubt some are, but dedicated non thinkers who'd rather believe that they've been blessed by an entity whose existence is unproved, and if you ask me pretty doubtful, than that human beings are so naturally predisposed to recognising patterns that they see them in things that are random and patternless.

I mean, what's the alternative? Yes, the bloke who burned his bacon might like to think how miraculous it was he didn't die in the fire, but other people do die in fires all the time. Are we to believe that the Good Lord saves those who nod off while making bacon sarnies but not from dodgy wiring that they don't even know about? And the others, what do we make of those? Are B group vitamins particularly holy? Blessed are the squeaky doors, for they shall inherit the earth? Is the Bible wrong and Jesus actually say unto Peter "You are my sock, and on this sock I shall build my church" or does he just want to cure corns and verrucas?

Not if the experience of the sock Jesus woman is any indication.
They even talked about creating a shrine to the sock but then the face was lost when they moved it.
I was half expecting the Ascension to be mentioned at this point but fortunately for both my head and my desk it never came up. Instead, and almost as laughable, this:
"We think it's a bit of a sign - but for what we don't know."
Well, I can think of a couple of things that it could be a sign of. One is that you might just be a fucking idiot, and the other is that with electronic media making the space for online news practically infinite every day is a sufficiently slow news day for this stuff to be included, even if it's so ridiculous and embarrassing that nobody wants to put their byline on it.

I hope that 2012 will be the year this guff goes out of fashion in the MSM, but I'm not holding my breath. In fact I'm afraid that if that happens at all it'll only be because the 2012 Mayan apocalypse non-prediction and associated cockwaftery will be taking centre stage instead.

And there's no point saying "God help us" because if he's there at all he's probably too busy laughing.

* For those with the patience of Job or who find the whole thing funny (the only way I cope with this kind of lunacy) The Tele has a whole gallery of this stuff.
** Linking that really went against the grain.

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Good post - and the only possible rational response to this sort of idiocy!

As an ex-convent pupil, what really annoys me is sightings of the Virgin Mary, who pops up with depressing regularity in newly-washed floors and windows or baked toast and pie-crusts and doesn't even have the distinguishing feature of a beard - any old amorpohous elongated blob will do.

A suggestion that some downtrodden housewife might be tempted to notice such an apparition in order to get out of washing the rest of the floor was enought to get me thrown out of yet another RE lesson.
My recent post Whup! Whup! merrily on high.
1 reply · active 690 weeks ago
Yeah, Mary is very popular too, and I think it just goes to show that it's anything that's both venerated and which has a certain expected appearance. God doesn't qualify on the second bit which is why nobody ever sees the face of Christian god in things but why plenty of Catholics see Her Blessed Gynaecological Improbability. Gods that are expected to look a certain way do get seen in things - while writing this post I came across a Wikipedia article that said that Hanuman the monkey god has been seen in a tree in Singapore, and that a couple of other well known gods can be seen in nearby trees, but I don't know what Hanuman is supposed to look like so I expect I'd walk right past it and see nothing at all.

And just to show that it's in our heads today the frying pan looks like Frank Zappa and the sock looks like the TV version of Marvin the Paranoid Android. :D
Nope, it's like those 'hidden pictures' that were all the rage back in the Nineties. I still can't see anything!
1 reply · active 690 weeks ago
Try having a few large glasses of wine. It probably won't help you see Sock Jesus but you'll stop caring what people think they've seen in their laundry.
Twenty_Rothmans's avatar

Twenty_Rothmans · 690 weeks ago

I think that Viz did the 'Jesus in a skidmark' thing a few years ago. I have every issue for the last twenty years, but I'm a little busy right now to find it.

Someone from Salford in a SUIT? Defendant!

>burning the food when he fell asleep while cooking.
Under the right circumstances he would have had the chance to meet Jesus personally. I am no hypocrite. I am also guilty of this.

PS: Sorry to all those people who died :-)
1 reply · active 690 weeks ago
Jesus in a skidmark? Just give it time, mate. Sooner or later someone will, and they might even ask seriously if they win £5.

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