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Thursday, 8 December 2011

Cuts, Spanish style vs British style

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The northeastern region has been ordered to rein in its deficit and has embarked on a series of stringent austerity cuts.
The latest edict issued by the region’s ministry of education instructs state schools to cut “excessive consumption” of toilet roll among pupils and limit the quota to a maximum of 25 metres per child per month.
This most recent penny saving measure comes amid widespread cuts to education budgets across Spain that has led to regular protests in the streets by teachers.
Okay, not nice, and even though you can always give your kids some bog roll to take into school with them toward the end of the month I can't help feeling there's probably a better place to make savings than on bog paper. On the other hand they are at least trying, whereas...

Officials in the Department for Transport have found the extra cash from other spending along the 100 mile £32 billion proposed route.
The change to the plans will mean that a final decision on whether to give the green light to the HS2 project will now be delayed from this month to mid-January.
The High Speed Rail 2 connection, which would be built between 2016 and 2026, will cut the journey time between the two cities by 35 minutes to less than 50 minutes.
To save half an hour? Why not bin the fucking thing and save £32 billion? Is Gordon Brown still running the country? Because the amount of government profligacy makes it fucking look that way.

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In the USA the govt will increase spending by $2 billion and then actually only increase it by $1 billion; thus, they have a,claimed, $1 billion cut in spending.

Funny how they decrease spending;but, always need MORE taxes!!!
2 replies · active 693 weeks ago
Yes, they use exactly the same technique in the UK. All these protests against cuts and spending hasn't been reduced by a single penny, and has actually gone up.
Spending never decreases, even though efficiency means things are supposed to get cheaper. Can you ever imagine a politician saying, "The NHS has managed to provide the same level of service for 10% less money this year, so let's cut their funding by X%!" even if X is something like 1. It's always that services will get worse if the funding stays the same!
Twenty_Rothmans's avatar

Twenty_Rothmans · 693 weeks ago

Don't be so negative.

Every picosecond you are out of the Midlands is priceless.

- pinched from wikipedia
In 2007, the Department for Transport commissioned a report, Estimated Carbon Impact of a New North South Line,
The twunt responsible should be catheterised and get reverse flushed with muriatic acid while his children watch on. We can auction their tears on Ebay and try to recoup the money stolen.

Then I will reduce their carbon impact (as they are constantly inhaling it) by burying the entire family 200 miles into the Earth's core.

Then I shall commission a report to see what the carbon impact of me sculling a Jeroboam of Krug and smoking crack whilst eating cherries out of the bottom cleft of a certain Duchess' sister and being given IV Viagra might be, using real-time data. It might take several goes to get statistically meaningful data.

That's a cross I'll have to bear.
1 reply · active 693 weeks ago
Sorry, TR. You seem to be getting stuck in the ID moderation filter a bit for some reason at the moment. Just went in to approve the comment you made on the popcorn eaters post and found this three day old one in there that I don't recall getting an email alert about. Twatting ID! :@
But the Chilterns consists of Tory voters, so of course their government-subsidised homes need to be protected!

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