Sunday, 7 August 2011
More vestigial blogging, but remaining on the topic of governments' debts.
No comment necessary, really, except to note that it might be a little more now that dropping to a AA credit rating might mean an increase in borrowing costs. Tip of the Akubra to Restoring Britain, via Witterings from Witney and Oldrightie.
No comment necessary, really, except to note that it might be a little more now that dropping to a AA credit rating might mean an increase in borrowing costs. Tip of the Akubra to Restoring Britain, via Witterings from Witney and Oldrightie.
It's not your bloody money,
Oh For Fuck's Sake,
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Unnecessary ranting and gratuitous profanity is strictly encouraged.
NB - due to some annoying pricks comment spamming lately all comments with three or more any links go into a moderation queue. If it's not spam I will publish all comments even tenuously related to whatever I was rambling about in the post. Otherwise please refer to the comments policy.
Comments by IntenseDebate
Angry Exile
Economy|It's not your bloody money|Oh For Fuck's Sake|Yanks|