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Tuesday, 23 August 2011

I'm warning you, Blogger...

... you asked me for my phone number when I logged in just now. Again. Look, if I wanted you to have it I'd have given it to you the first time you asked. I see no reason why you need to know it. I know why you say you do but I've managed perfectly well without it for three years.

Look, my personal privacy will not be enhanced by adding to my email address, which is meaningless and disposable, a number which appears on my business cards, which relates to a phone which is almost always on my person and, thanks to modern paranoia, is recorded somewhere in the Australian government.* I know you think it will but no, really, it won't. Instead it'll mean one of my contact numbers, which is in the public domain but which as far as I know has never been put on the internet (not by me, anyway), will be 'out there' and connected with my blog for no real reason other than that some clown at Google thinks it's a good idea for everyone.

Some people, yes, perhaps, but not everyone. Number of times I've failed to sign in, not counting times when the whole service is down - one, when you suspended me for three days over someone complaining about the free publicity I'd given their TV show by putting 80 seconds of it, with no attempt made to disguise the TV channel's DOG, on YouTube. Effect of this - nothing at all since I have backup accounts to access my blog. Number of times I've been unable to sign in because I couldn't remember the passwords for any of the accounts - zero. Number of times someone has signed in pretending to be me having guessed one of those passwords - zero. My inclination to give you my phone number - rather less than zero unless Larry Page gives me his first.

So pack it in or I'm off.

* It is not possible to buy a SIM card or something with a SIM in it here without showing identity. This is because the government, in a peculiarly British way of thinking, noticed that criminals and terrorists use mobile phones and similar devices and decided that therefore all users would be treated as potential criminals and terrorists and all sales would have to be registered, and then later realised that the criminals and terrorists would probably use fake names and decided that therefore it needed identity to be shown when registering. That nearly everyone is not a criminal or terrorist and that therefore these checks are almost always an intrusive and meaningless waste of time appears not to have been considered.

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I haven't been nagged for a few days since the last time I mentioned it over at Snow Wolf's. If they insist, they can fuck right off. They ain't getting it because I have decided that they don't need it.
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2 replies · active 709 weeks ago
I think it must be on some rolling schedule because I hadn't been asked for a couple of months. Mrs Exile was asked when she signed into her gmail via a browser earlier as well. I wouldn't mind if there was a permanent 'okay, we know, now stop bloody asking' option, but this persistent nagging is starting to annoy me enough that I might clear off even before they insist on it. The trouble is I do prefer Blogger as a platform to WP, it's just that there are deal breakers that would stop me using it and that would be one.
WP is fine if you self host. I wouldn't use as they have too many restrictions.
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jameshigham's avatar

jameshigham · 709 weeks ago

AE, I had this in 2009 and that's why I'm now at WordPress. It's good but it costs [the free one is not quite as good as Blogger]. One of my enemies decided to flag my blog and what did Blogger do? Removed my blog pending investigation. You know how long that takes. F*** em, I said.

Yet I still keep the old site. Don't be too hasty. Go to WP for your main site perhaps but keep Blogger in the background and just feed em details you've made up.
3 replies · active 708 weeks ago
The Orphanage is self-hosted though, isn't it? And to be honest what I'm not bowled over with about the free WP applies there too. It's no big deal (and certainly no criticism of the Orphanage) but just little things like having to use the unnecessarily cumbersome span tags instead of < big > and < small > tags, which as far as I can see are the same whether you pay or not. That being so I may as well stick with the freebie since all paying to self-host gets me is the ability to customise the look more and use plug-ins, and that's not important enough to me to pay for.
We use Gmail for our email account.

As for the HTML, so far as I am aware, WP uses standard tags. Certainly, I always use standard ones.
My recent post Banksy “Art” Should be Listed
< i > and < b > work, though I can't remember if I've tried < u >, and obviously the standard link tags work. But < big > and < small > do not do anything at all in WP. If you want to increase text size for emphasis or decrease it for a footnote, and I do fairly often, then it's span tags in WP or nothing happens. I think I found one or two others by accident though I can't recall for sure, but I reckon I use < small > < /small > at least a couple of times a week and I like it. It's simple, intuitive and preferable to typing out < span style="font-variant: small" > < /span > every time. This would be less of a pain if WP provided a Blogger style tool to easily change sizes in the View editor, adding code automatically in the HTML editor at the same time, but if they do I've not spotted it either at the WP hosted version of The Angry Exile or at the Orphanage. It's not a big deal but it just makes WP a little less user friendly than Blogger and, if Blogger do annoy me enough over privacy that I do finally give them the flick (and they're not far off at the moment), it's not worth me paying for the self hosted version of WP.
It's just done it to me when I logged into check the OoL Gmail account. I logged out and in again to bypass it. I will be damned if I'll give them a phone number. James - we might have to make one up for the OoL one.
My recent post Banksy “Art” Should be Listed
1 reply · active 709 weeks ago
I think I might contact the help desk and ask if there's a fuck off switch. If I find one I'll post about it.
I noticed this for the first time a few days back. WTF? And just supposing someone doesn't have a phone? If it happens again I'm tempted to register a similar one to my own, which just happens to be a Pizza shop....


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