Thursday, 25 August 2011
On the subject of smoking...
... I noticed just now while putting up a picture gadget to promote the the Wozza-Thompson e-petition to review the smoking ban that the number of signatures has roughly quadrupled in the day and a half or so since I added mine. Good start, and let's all liberty loving types, whether we're non-smokers or smokers, do what we can to keep that ball rolling. As I explained the other day, if you don't smoke but you drink then you're next, if you're a bit on the tubby side then you're right after the drinkers, and if you're neither you have a little bit of breathing space but you'd be very foolish indeed to believe that you're not on the list for something. Those jackboots of intolerance are marching towards you too, and if you can't hear them yet I assure you that you will eventually.
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Comments by IntenseDebate
On the subject of smoking...
Angry Exile
Bans|Intolerance|Personal Freedom|Power Crazed|UK|
thylacosmilus 62p · 708 weeks ago
At this point, wouldn't it be easier for them to keep a list of those who really do have nothing to fear?
Angry_Exile 90p · 708 weeks ago
Would you like me to type it all out again? ;)
nisakiman · 708 weeks ago
Would you like me to type it all out again? "
In a nutshell.