Monday, 15 August 2011
From The Salt Lake Tribune, via the Von Mises blog.
Of course it doesn't reflect the reality that in the case of corporate bailouts governments were complicit - they could have said no but they didn't - and while you could argue a certain amount of complicity on the part of a succession of British governments including the current one at least the looters aren't being asked how many of the taxpayers' TVs they would like to be given. On the other hand, if it's true there are people on benefits who have the big TVs and games consoles and all the other toys that a lot of taxpayers can't afford.....
Of course it doesn't reflect the reality that in the case of corporate bailouts governments were complicit - they could have said no but they didn't - and while you could argue a certain amount of complicity on the part of a succession of British governments including the current one at least the looters aren't being asked how many of the taxpayers' TVs they would like to be given. On the other hand, if it's true there are people on benefits who have the big TVs and games consoles and all the other toys that a lot of taxpayers can't afford.....
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