Thursday, 30 September 2010
It's window licking good.
How detached from reality do you need to be to equate so-called junk food with heroin? Do you actually need to have got off your dial on something mind altering first? Frankly I can't think of any other explanation for this:
Heroin, everybody - it's as safe as giving your kid a Happy Meal.* Have I got that right?
H/T to Dick Puddlecote.
* Of course historically opium didn't cause as much grief as heroin does now. We have the same kind of Righteous thinking that created this video to thank for that as well.
Heroin, everybody - it's as safe as giving your kid a Happy Meal.* Have I got that right?
H/T to Dick Puddlecote.
* Of course historically opium didn't cause as much grief as heroin does now. We have the same kind of Righteous thinking that created this video to thank for that as well.
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Comments by IntenseDebate
It's window licking good.
Angry Exile
Australia|Contemptible Tools|Don't Be So Fucking Silly|
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JuliaM · 755 weeks ago
Was watching an 'Antique in the Attic' type prog the other day and they featured a clergyman famous for....something, I wasn't really giving it 100% attention... and they related how he liked to look out across the cliffs in a little hermitage-type hut, smoking his opium pipe!
Given this was a BBC programme, I was a bit surprised they left it in!
Angry_Exile 90p · 755 weeks ago
Doesn't surprise me at all. I saw somewhere that in those days when opium was so deeply un-scary and fairly widely available it was often used as laudanum for period pains, and yet society didn't disintegrate and all those women completely didn't become crack whores. On top of that I keep running into references of drug use in general and opium use in particular by some well known minds of the past. The last one I came across was the part time astronomer and full time genius Edmund Halley who, according to a Bill Bryson book I'm reading, "wrote authoritatively on magnetism, tides and the motions of the planets, and fondly on the effects of opium." One day I'll get around to this long blog on drug use that's been simmering away for ages.