Since I've had a pop at their
Again, to their credit and my surprise that did eventually make it through moderation and get posted. As I said two days ago, looks like there's an element of creeping liberalness invading there, and if so it's pretty welcome.
Still, it doesn't take away from the basic oversight that the LibDims having a pop at Labour and the Tories for being alike and/or mainstream choices is a bit pot and kettle of them, especially as all three are currently engaged in trying to out-fair each other. Thus, from the labour webshite we have this 'future fair for all' guff:
While from the Tories we have an even more prolific use of the F-word (all Osbourne but I seem to recall DING saying the same sort of thing).

But streets ahead in this game are - drumroll, please - the
Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all? Actually, who gives a rip - it's not like any of them are remotely believable, and since they're all saying the same shit it's not like there's much reason to choose any of the three over the other. They truly are all Labial Conocrats.
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