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Thursday, 2 June 2011

Victoria and Victorian attitudes

Apparently we're not allowed to swear in Victoria anymore. In fact it turns out that offensive language has been an, er, offence, since the sixties even if there isn't anyone around to hear it, but Victoria's wonderful new improved Liberal with a silent 'Il' government have decided it's a good idea to give the police powers to impose fines of $240 for
... using language deemed to be indecent, disorderly, offensive or threatening.
Deemed to be? Deemed? And who gets to decide that, because since it's an on-the-spot fine it sounds awfully like it'll be the cops. Currently that might not be a big deal since they're having a bit of a work to rule at the moment and are sufficiently annoyed with the government to flash their lights at drivers to warn them to slow down for speed traps, so I can imagine them choosing to turn a blind eye to someone's potty mouth, but that's not going to last beyond the time they get a pay deal sorted out or give up.

And what's the thinking behind this? Beyond the possibility that the Liberal In Name Only government of Victoria wants everyone in the state to sound like characters from a Jane Austen novel all the time. Believe it or not they think it'll give the police more time to for real police work.

Yes, they really said that.
The crackdown — which extends the Baillieu government's ever-growing law-and-order agenda — means police will be able to issue infringement notices for offensive behaviour and indecent language similar to parking and speeding fines.

Attorney-General Robert Clark said the idea was to lower the police workload by allowing them to issue fines instead of tackling bad language using the court system.

"It frees up police time for other law enforcement activities and enables them to more readily issue penalties against those offenders who deserve them," Mr Clark said.
While I can see a certain amount of sense in the idea of not getting cops to waste heaps of time on prosecuting a trivial swearing offence through the courts it's clearly not occurred to the AG or the government that with coarse language being so commonplace that even Prime Ministers have been known to swear live on air they could end up with police doing little but hand out swearing tickets all day long. Hardly freeing up police time for other law enforcement activities, is it? Look, Robert, if you really want the police out there doing high value police work the answer is not to encourage them to spend even more time go after the low hanging fruit of easy crimes offences committed by not-actual-criminals against non-existent victims, but instead to identify all the victimless crimes on the books

However, being a law abiding citizen I will be washing my mouth out from now on, which means a change to my usual blogging subjects. I will no longer blog on things that annoy me and induce me to apoplectic and sweary rage, so from this point on this will become a travel blog. I have two destinations to talk about today, one in Austria and one in the Orkneys, both of which I'd hope will meet with the approval of the Attorney General.

That okay, Rob?

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james higham's avatar

james higham · 721 weeks ago

Fucking hell.
1 reply · active 721 weeks ago
Please make your cheque payable to Victoria Police Pty Ltd.
swearing is a form of expression for some people who can't express themselves in other ways. A denial of the human right to express yourself is being taken from some people by law made by politicians who obviously have no brain. Are you sure Australia is not a fascist country? It scares the hell out of me.

Soon we won't be able to say "Boo" for fear of scaring someone half to death.

Demolition Man comes to mind : "You are fined 240 credits for violation of the morality code - be well..."
1 reply · active 721 weeks ago
A fair reply would go over ID's character limit. The short answer is yes, I'm quite sure it is not a fascist country, or is at the very least considerably less so than the UK. Despite all it's shortcomings I maintain that overall I am still more free here than I was in the UK, though not on a small number of very specific points and with the exception of the EU, the eye watering debt and the lousy weather Australia is probably only five to ten years behind on a lot of the shitty things that make Britain enough of a hellhole dump that my wife refused to stay there anymore. The worst aspect are the mini enabling acts that went through in Blair's time and give the UK government power to suspend just about any law it wants - that includes habeas corpus and the law that expects elections to be held every now and then. They didn't make me leave but they're sure as hell keeping me from returning. To my less than certain knowledge there is nothing like it in Australia and I'm not sure that such a thing is even possible without a referendum to change the Constitution. Seriously, Britain is covered in CCTV, has various state bodies happy to twist legislation to permit spying on citizens, has enacted some of the most egregious legislation since post Weimar Germany and has signed up to Bush's and now Obarmy's perpetual war - almost all that's missing to turn it into a real life V for Vendetta is the insane demagogue coming to power. Not here. Even if the insane demagogue turned up tomorrow the legal mechanisms needed to make the place the kind of fascist dictatorship Britain so nearly is already simply don't exist here.

That's not to say that Nannyism isn't nearly as rife here as it is in Britain (as someone who's experienced both Australia is still better unless Britain has improved a lot in the last five years or so - and of that I see no sign whatsoever and more evidence that it's got worse), but Nannyism is not the same thing as fascism even if it does sometimes have a similar effect. The motives are quite different. Fascists want to control the world and get rid of everyone they don't like, and while the Nannies tend to attract some who think that way they themselves are a little different. They're paternalists who want to look after us, want the best for us and want to protect us from any harm, including that which we might actually want to seek out ourselves and that which doesn't really exist. They don't want to control the world but teach it to sing in perfect harmony, hold it in their hands and keep it company. I feel it's a mistake to treat them as one and the same thing when their different motives, hate and cloyingly suffocating love, suggest different solutions might be in order.

As for the anti-swearing law, the point was the sheer stupidity of trying to free up police time by giving them the power to hand out on the spot fines for something which is nearly as commonplace as breathing. Don't worry about freedom of expression - they won't stop people swearing because they don't have a prayer of making the beginnings of a dent in it. But they could easily get so obsessed with the easy results that come from being able to have hordes of cops wandering around town fining people for swearing that what with the ones doing something similar with speeding there won't be a whole hell of a lot of police work going on.
microdave's avatar

microdave · 721 weeks ago

"Fucking"?? "Twatt"?? - I raise you "Wank"
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Oh, well done, microdave, I salute your rude sign finding abilities! But unfortunately if it's an instruction I'm afraid I'm unable to obey due to suffering from a case of Iron Knob. I knew of a Wanker's Corner somewhere in the US as well but couldn't find a sign for either of them. Well, when I say couldn't I mean I didn't look ;)

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